If you're a homeschool mom, you know mornings can be hectic! There are so many things to do and so little time. It's essential to have a morning routine for homeschool in place to help you get the most out of your day. This blog post will discuss what a morning routine for homeschool looks like and why it's crucial to have one. We'll also provide some tips on how to create your morning routine.
So, what does a morning routine for homeschool look like? Here's a typical morning routine that you can use as a starting point:

Wake up early and make your bed. This may seem obvious and maybe silly, but starting your day with this simple task will significantly improve your day. If you need to get used to waking up early, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual. Once you're used to getting up early, you can add additional time to your morning routine. I am NOT a morning person, but since getting up before my kids, our days have run much smoother, and I can be proactive instead of reactive. Early morning wake-up was the thing I needed to get into the right mindset. Check out the book Make Your Bed.

Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Make sure to include some protein and healthy fats in your breakfast to help fuel your brain for the day ahead.

Get organized. Take some time to review your homeschool schedule for the day and gather any materials you'll need. Get your planner ready and any books out. This will help you avoid any last-minute scrambling later on.

Spend some time outdoors. Fresh air and vitamin D are essential for a healthy mind and body. Take a few minutes to walk, play in the backyard, or sit outside and enjoy the morning sun. This article (geared towards the elderly but would likely apply to everyone) has some great reasons for spending time outdoors. Spend some time connecting with your kids. The morning is a great time to bond with your kids over shared interests and activities.

Begin your homeschool lessons. Once you're feeling refreshed and energized, it's time to start your homeschooling day! Make sure to break up your lessons into manageable chunks so you stay calm. And remember to take breaks throughout the day – you and your kids need time to relax and recharge.
By following these simple steps, you can set yourself up for a successful homeschool day – and a more productive morning routine overall! Do you have any other tips for creating a morning routine? Please share them in the comments below!