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Homeschooling can be a great way to provide your child with a personalized education. Setting up and organizing your homeschool area can also be a lot of work. This blog post will give you tips on where to homeschool and how to set up your learning space!

Homeschool Room or No Homeschool Room

You do not need a homeschool room to be successful. Many homeschoolers learn in shared spaces such as the kitchen table or family room. We have never had a dedicated homeschool room, and I don't feel we have missed out on anything. If you do have a dedicated homeschool space, that is awesome! If you do feel that you would do better with a dedicated room, you can consider using a spare bedroom, basement, or even the garage! The most important thing is to find a place where your child can focus and feel comfortable learning.

Organizing Your Homeschool Area

You need to organize and plan your homeschool space, but don't forget that it is YOUR space. Be sure to personalize it and make it a place where you and your child will enjoy spending time learning!

When setting up your homeschool area, be sure to include:

– A comfortable place for your child to sit and learn

– Plenty of storage for books, supplies, and materials

– Good lighting

– A planner to keep track of events and deadlines

Organizing your space is the best thing that I have found that you can do for your homeschooling. Knowing where everything is and everything having a place to live will make the days much smoother and less stressful. Finding an organizational system that works best for you is key. 

We homeschool in the living/dining room. I have all the supplies that we use regularly stored on a bookshelf. The kids' books for the year are stored in plastic totes similar to these. I keep any extra books or curricula we might not be using this year but will in the future in a tote in the garage. To keep all our curricula in order, I use this tracker to keep track of all our homeschooling resources. 

Homeschooling: You Can Do It Anywhere

If you are struggling to find the perfect homeschool location in your home, remember that you can always learn outside of the house. Take advantage of the library, local parks, and other community resources. The most important thing is finding a place where your child can focus on learning and make the most of their homeschooling experience.

If you are new to homeschooling, check out our other blog posts for more tips and advice! Or download our free planning guide to help you begin your homeschooling journey. 

Happy homeschooling!